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All Our Products And Services Include:

  • Rotating Machinery
  • Static Equipment
  • Process Packages
  • Line Pipes
  • Valves And Controls
  • Electrical
  • Control & Instrumentation
  • Cables
  • Marine And Offshore
  • Transmission & Distribution
  • Inspection & Safety
  • Civil
  • Digital/IoT/Data Analytics/ Software
  • Fire & Safety
  • Health, Safety & Environmental
  • Rigs & Associated Equipment
  • Drill Bits
  • OCTG & Drill Pipes
  • Telecommunication & Security Systems
  • Swell Packers
  • Drilling Motors
  • Mud Line Systems
  • Solids Control Equipment & Seperation Solution
  • Drilling Complitions & Production Chemicals
  • Consultancy/ Engineering Studies
  • Robotics, Drones, And ROV
  • Expandable Casing

In Country Value

At Emdad, we prioritize continuous improvement, innovation, and collaboration. We actively participate in industry events and forums to stay at the forefront of market trends and technological advancements. By building strong relationships with clients, suppliers, and partners, we deliver tailored solutions and exceed expectations. We are proud to be part of the “Make it in the Emirates” initiative and strive to be the favored choice for talented Emiraties.

Adhering to our core values, we aim to incorporate In Country Value (ICV) initiatives in both our external and internal programs. Our goal is to relentlessly seek improvements to our ICV contribution regarding human capital, asset investments, the supply chain and local manufacturing capabilities