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ISO, API And ASME Accreditations

At EMDAD Group, our values are underpinned by an unwavering focus on 100% commitment to QHSE. EMDAD’s QHSE management system has been improved continuously according to the needs of our external clients and internal organizations. Emdad’s dedication to total quality, environment, and health and safety management systems is demonstrated by its ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 45001, API Spec Q1, API 6A, API Spec Q2, API 7K ASME “U, U2, S” & National Board “R” certifications/stamps.

EMDAD – ISO 9001_2015

EMDAD – ISO 14001_2015

EMDAD – ISO 45001_2018

ES – ISO 9001_2015

ES – ISO 14001_2015

ES – ISO 45001_2018

IGC – ISO 9001_2015

IGC – ISO 14001_2015

IGC – ISO 45001_2018

EEI – ISO 9001_2015

EEI – ISO 14001_2015

EEI – ISO 45001_2018

API – Q1 Certificate

API – Q2 Certificate

API – 6A Certificate

API – 7K Certificate

ASME U-STAMP Certificate

ASME U2-STAMP Certificate

ASME S-STAMP Certificate

NB R-STAMP Certificate



Man Hours Worked

KMs Driven

Q1 - 1630

Q2 - 0165

6A - 2043

7K - 0564

ISO 9001 - 14001 - 45001

ASME "U" Certificate

NBBI "R" Certificate